Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Kindergarten Teachers and your Kids

Listen in at the next parent conference when parents talk about teachers. They notice the grade 4 teacher and her innovative new math lessons. High school teachers are respected for their abililty to deal with the teenagers of today not to mention the capacity to handle the advanced subject matters covered in today's high schools.

Even better listen to other teachers talk about teachers. This is not hard to do because it seems that all teachers ever want to talk about is school, students and the administration... This is an undisputed fact as told by the husband of a kindergarten teacher.

My point here is that the kindergarten teacher is almost the red headed step child. They do not get the respect they deserve from parents, fellow teachers, administrators, PTA, the Board of Education or the general public.

Now I am prejudiced. My wife has taught kindergarten for more than 20 years. She runs into past students who are now at the University of Georgia - and they remember her. DJ has followed her own counsel when it comes to her classroom and over 20 years of spectacular results suggest that maybe her methods are at least best for her and her students. Maybe someone should be trying to duplicate her efforts and her results.

It should be obvious to everyone that the first full day class at school is critical to the school career of each child. If they get a good foundation, the next grades will be much easier for them. If they are encouraged to be active, participating members of a classroom, then this will carry forward. There are dozens of adages about strong foundations. These kids are the future of our country.

When someone says to me that a teacher gets 2 months off each summer, they are overpaid, I do not even answer back anymore. Try living with a teacher for a year. A teacher who truly cares for their kids. My wife leaves the house at 6:30 AM. She gets home at 5:30 in the evening. It is about a 20 minute drive each way. Call it 1 hour commuting. So she is in the school 10 hours a day. Remember she is a teacher, there is no lunch break down at TGIF. Lunch is 30 minutes rushed through so that the classroom can be readied for the next lesson.

Someone needs to use a few more IQ points to analyze what is happening in our school system. More and more kids just do not care. We cannot do much about the influences at the home and can only hope that they live in a caring and supportive moral household.

We can do something about how they start their educational careers.

We can do something about what attitudes they have towards their school, their education and classmates.

It all starts in kindergarten. Lessons learned there are forever.

Enough Already!

We need a new government mandated supplement. This health supplement will ensure that you use all of your IQ points. If we can develop this supplement then a number of issues will disappear from our society.

Whoever decided that bureaucracy, whether government or private, is the correct instrument to monitor our health care system. Go to http://hubpages.com/hub/Lupus-treatment-discussion and read about CATSCANS that cost $2500 or $800 depending on who is paying. How about drugs which cost $4 per month or $250 per month depending on whether you are on a plan or where you buy them. I won't bore you with more examples. Get the bureaucracy out of medicine and health care or else it will implode.

Who made up the rule that whatever is left over in a campaign fund goes to the candidate when they retire?

Who decided that the 6 and 11 o'clock news must be sensational? Why do those reading the news express their own opinion? Are you tuned in for advice or the news?

All I have is questions, do you have any answers?