Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Enough Already!

We need a new government mandated supplement. This health supplement will ensure that you use all of your IQ points. If we can develop this supplement then a number of issues will disappear from our society.

Whoever decided that bureaucracy, whether government or private, is the correct instrument to monitor our health care system. Go to http://hubpages.com/hub/Lupus-treatment-discussion and read about CATSCANS that cost $2500 or $800 depending on who is paying. How about drugs which cost $4 per month or $250 per month depending on whether you are on a plan or where you buy them. I won't bore you with more examples. Get the bureaucracy out of medicine and health care or else it will implode.

Who made up the rule that whatever is left over in a campaign fund goes to the candidate when they retire?

Who decided that the 6 and 11 o'clock news must be sensational? Why do those reading the news express their own opinion? Are you tuned in for advice or the news?

All I have is questions, do you have any answers?

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